Todays Tithi

Tithi Today is the first & major part of todays Panchanga. Tithi may include hindi vikrami samvat maasa name and tithi number with the current running paksha. Tithi by word means the number sequence of the day of the current maasa (hindi month). Tithis repeat themselves twice in a month and once in a paksha, so prathma or pratipada to chaturdashi (the 14th day) then 15th day is amavasya in krishna paksha and purnima in shukla paksha.

Tithis are named in sanskrit name of numbers, prathma or Pratipada, dwitiya, tritiya, chaturthi, panchanmi, shashthi, saptami, ashtami, navmi, dashmi, ekadashi, dwadashi, trayodashi, chaturdashi, amavasya or purnima. One Tithi span also contains approximately one Vaar, one Nakshatra, two Yogs and two Karana of the day.

On every amavasya tithi, the positions of sun and moon are same i.e, 0° apart and on every purnima the positions of sun and moon are 180° apart from each other. This tithi along with other factors like nakshatra, vaar, yog, karan etc provides us muhurats so is a very important and prominent part of panchanga or hini desi calendar time calculations.

Panchang can also be called as Hindi/Hindu calendar. Basic Purpose of the Panchanga Tool is to Know the Muhuratas of Today or any other Day of the Calendar, As well as for knowing the Hindu festivals, Auspicious & Favourable dates and times for Important things of Life like Marriage, Propert Purchase, Career, Journey etc. For Brahmins & other Queriest Todays Tithi also gives Basic Tithi details for any important Vrats, Upvasas and for finding suitable dates for many Auspicious Undertakings, Start-Ups & Major Decisions.

Todays Tithi Hindi Calendar

Today's Tithi calculations are not equal to western day calculation or the sunrise-sunset system, it is a bit complex system. Positions of Astrological Planets like Planet Sun, Planet Moon are the basis of the calculations of the tithi part of the panchang.

A Maasa (Hindi month) has two pakshas shukla pakshas and krishna pakshas, both pakshas have 15 days in them. last day of krishna paksha is known as amavasya and last day of shukla paksha is known as the prunima. Amavasya is basically the night of no moon and purnima is the night of full moon.

There are two types of maaasa in use in india in different parts, one is Amanta or amavasya anata and second is Purnimanta or purnima anta. Though it is clear from their name itself, an amanta is the maasa that starts with shukla pratipada, prathma tithi of shukla paksha and ends at the amavasya tithi of krishna paksha. Other considered maasa is purnimanta, in this style the maasa starts on krishna pratipada, prathma tithi of krishna paksha and ends on purnima tithi of shukla paksha. Rest of the things remains same in both styles.

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Tithi on Date : 14-03-2025 & Time : 06:31:36 & TimeZone : 5.5


14 March 2025

Phalguna Shukla Poornima

tithi will remain till 14-03-2025 12:29:07 (12:29:07)



Uttara Phalguni
[upto 32:54:30]




[upto 13:51:08]


[upto 12:29:07]