Todays Yoga

Yoga Today is the second major part of todays Panchanga for Indian vedic time calculations. Yogas are 27 twenty seven in numbers spanning accross the 360° of bhachakra or zodiac wheel. Similar to Nakshatras, the average span or length of Yogas is considered to be 13.33° OR 13° 20" kala in the zodiac wheel. Just similar to Nakshatras Todays Yogas are also determined by current/days position of moon (chandra).

As can be seen, the outcomes of Yogas correspond to the names given to them. All auspicious activities should avoid Vaidhriti and Vyatipaat Yogas. For all auspicious activities, the first three Ghatis of Vajra and Vishkumbha, the first half of Parigh, the first five ghatis of Shool, the first nine ghatis of Vyaghat, and the first nine ghatis of Gand and Atigand should be eliminated. A Ghati is an ancient time unit that is comparable to 24 minutes in contemporary time.

This yoga reveals the innate quality of the person who enters this universe. These yogas can aid in the prediction of a person's overall conduct, temperament, and other qualities. Nine of the 27 Nitya Yogas are said to be inauspicious as per astrology. To find Nitya, Add the Moon's longitude and the Sun's longitude and divide the sum by 13 degrees 20 minutes.

Yoga in Panchang

27 Yogas Namely are Vishakumbha, Preeti, Aayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhana, Atiganda, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shoola, Ganda, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Vyaghaata, Harshana, Vajra, Siddhi, Vyatipaata, Variyaana, Parigha, Shiva, Siddha, Saaddhya, Shubha, Shukla, Brahma, Indra and Vaidhriti.

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Yoga on Date : 14-03-2025 & Time : 06:31:36 & TimeZone : 5.5


14 March 2025


yoga will remain till 01-01-1970 05:30:00



[upto 12:29:07]




Uttara Phalguni
[upto 32:54:30]


[upto 12:29:07]